MultiHaul TG Certification Training in Noblesville IN
Installing and operating Siklu tech? The following certification classes are for you!
Please ensure you’re registered to the Siklu Partners Portal. Then, please complete the MultiHaul TG prerequisite course prior to attending the training to get the most out of it!
Not registered to Siklu’s Partners Portal? Sign Up Now
Then, please proceed to the pre-requisite course available through this link: Take the Cours
How do I sign up to the Siklu Partners Portal?
Simply follow this link: https://partners.siklu.com/aspx/SignUp?retUrl=/lms/courseinfo?id=00q00000000001O00i8&mode=mycourses&retUrl=%2Flms%3Fmode%3DmyCourses%26section%3D%26view%3Dtile%26kw%3D%26lang%3D
Where can I find the MultiHaul TG pre-requisite course?
Follow this link: https://partners.siklu.com/lms/courseinfo?id=00q00000000001O00i8&mode=mycourses&retUrl=%2Flms%3Fmode%3DmyCourses%26section%3D%26view%3Dtile%26kw%3D%26lang%3D